coronavirus recovery Archives - State of the Planet

Looking Back and Looking Ahead After a Year of Pandemic

Our human need for social interaction will influence our calculus and my hope is that when normal life resumes, we never again take it for granted.

by |March 8, 2021
young girl wearing a cloth mask

Future COVID-19 Relief Should Focus More on Children

A new report points out some of the ways children are getting left behind during COVID-19 and other disasters — and how we can do better.

by |January 25, 2021

Biden’s Inspiring and Aggressive COVID Response Plan

This test of the new administration and of our national character has now begun. We need to vaccinate, test, mask-up, continue to practice social distance, and do all we can to rid America and then the world of this terrible virus.

by |January 25, 2021

What We’ve Learned From the Pandemic in 2020

If we learned anything in 2020, it is that we need a unified American community if we are to defeat this virus and return to normal life.

by |January 4, 2021

Accelerating America’s Response to COVID-19

America is a diverse nation whose people hold a wide variety of beliefs and values. But surely, we can unite behind a national effort to defeat this virus and rebuild our national economy. Surely…

by |December 7, 2020

Looking Ahead With Hope as the Catastrophe Continues

The future I would like to see depends on the election tomorrow and on a unified national mobilization to finally address the COVID crisis.

by |November 2, 2020
two men installing solar panels

COVID Economic Recovery: What Might a Green Stimulus Look Like?

The current crisis has given us a once-in-a-generation opportunity to tackle two monumental challenges at the same time.

by Eric Scheuch |September 25, 2020

Toward a National Response to the COVID Catastrophe

Health recovery is a prerequisite for economic recovery.

by |August 17, 2020

Scientific Literacy, Technology and COVID-19

We need a more mature and sophisticated approach to utilizing scientific expertise in decision-making.

by |August 3, 2020
child taking online classes

When and How Should Schools Reopen?

It’s one of the most complicated, difficult questions of the pandemic, and there are many ways to answer it, according to Earth Institute experts.

by |July 30, 2020