data Archives - State of the Planet

scientists in cleanroom gear looking at lunar rocks behind glass

Rescuing 50 Years of Apollo Sample Data

The Apollo missions brought back unique samples from the moon that have been analyzed by researchers around the world. This data is getting lost and forgotten. A new database collects it and makes it easy to find and use.

by |July 18, 2019

Data Science Institute to Host the 2019 New York Scientific Data Summit

The two-and-a-half day symposium will explore data-driven discovery and innovation in science and industry.

by |May 22, 2019

Tools of the Trade: Data Sets are Tools, Too

This installment takes you into the world of population modeling at CIESIN, where data rules supreme.

by |April 10, 2019

Data Visualization: World Happiness Trends

Could the number of women in a nation’s government have an impact on its happiness? Can air quality effect the mood of a population? Do trains make people happier? Explore World Happiness Report data and trends that might also contribute to a country’s overall well-being.

Malaria Risk Increases in Ethiopian Highlands as Temperatures Climb

The highlands of Ethiopia are home to the majority of the country’s population, the cooler climate serving as a natural buffer against malaria transmission. New data now show that increasing temperatures over the past 35 years are eroding this buffer, allowing conditions more favorable for malaria to begin climbing into highland areas.

by |June 15, 2017

Ensuring that Real Information and Analysis Impacts Decisions

We are in a new era of information, computation and communication, which requires that we develop new methods for verifying facts and data.

by |May 8, 2017

IEDA: Revolutionizing Big Data

The Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance is fueling groundbreaking multi-disciplinary discoveries worldwide. “This is a new era of data mining,” says IEDA Director Kerstin Lehnert, a geochemist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

by |December 13, 2016

From Climate Science to Climate Service

What makes for good climate services? A new commentary in the journal Science outlines three considerations.

by |September 22, 2016
The Eltanin 19 profile, showing the symmetry of magnetic reversals on either side of a mid-ocean ridge, launched the plate tectonics revolution at what was then Lamont Geological Observatory.

The Plate Tectonics Revolution: It Was All About the Data

The young scientists who led the plate tectonics revolution 50 years ago showed how asking the right questions and having access to a wide range of shared data could open doors to an entirely new understanding of our planet.

by |May 24, 2016

Critical Role for Geospatial Data in Advancing Sustainable Development Goals

To ensure no one is left behind by the next generation of global development goals, a comprehensive mix of robust data is needed to measure progress and guide investments. A recent report coordinated by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network estimates the world will need to spend roughly $1 billion a year to sustain and enhance the statistical systems.

by |May 8, 2015