Green Infrastructure Archives - State of the Planet

Saving New York’s $3 Billion Environmental Bond

If we believe in our future and in our ability to come back from this catastrophe, the environmental bond act deserves our continued support.

by |July 27, 2020

Environmental Justice and Economic Recovery

An American infrastructure revitalization program could put people to work while improving the efficiency and quality of our communities and economy.

by |July 6, 2020

Speaker Series Guest Discusses Green Solutions

During her talk, Margaret Oloriz from Arcadis shared her experiences and knowledge in designing green infrastructure solutions to serve local communities.

by Minji Ko |November 21, 2019

What Are the Hidden Co-Benefits of Green Infrastructure?

A new study compares how 14 types of green infrastructure contribute to 22 potential benefits for urban communities.

by |September 3, 2019

Examining the Effects of Green Infrastructure on Water Quality

A sustainable development undergraduate explains her summer research testing new innovations in green infrastructure.

by |August 22, 2018

6 Climate Change Solutions We Can All Agree On

These ideas hold merit no matter where you fall on the political spectrum

by |September 11, 2017

Responding to the Attack on Environmental Regulation

Last week, the new EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt attacked his own agency in an address to the Conservative Political Action summit. The attack on environmental regulation by the head of EPA is a remarkable nightmare. Fortunately, in our federal system, state and local officials will be able to fill in if the federal government refuses to act.

by |February 27, 2017

Students Advise County on Permeable Pavement

The biggest barrier to installation or permeable pavement is funding. But the positive outcomes include reduced flooding, less stormwater runoff, and recharging of aquifers.

by |December 19, 2016

New York Lets a Thousand Bioswales Bloom

In an effort to curb sewage overflows, New York City has turned to green infrastructure: right-of-way bioswales, green roofs and rain gardens, among other practices. These measures help decrease stormwater runoff by increasing pervious areas and introducing water-loving plants that can absorb some of the water and encourage evaporation.

by |November 22, 2016

The Candidates Agree: America’s Aging Infrastructure Needs a Fix

Once infrastructure decisions are made, they are locked in place, often for decades, sometimes for centuries. Recognizing this fact, there is an urgency to think in new ways, rather than simply stick with established practices and systems.

by |November 4, 2016